Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Audience Atomization.

An Idea quite worthy of reflection, the blog about Audience Atomization set off a domino effect of ideas about not only the media, but also Americans and modern civilization as a whole. Although very hopeful in the idea that blog websites could lead a new way of understanding politics and the government, Jay Rosen excludes from the blog the system with which any type of mass media relies on. While the idea sounds great that we could begin to interpret our legitimate views which may lay outside the sphere of legitimate debate it would be extremely difficult to find the type of funding that it takes to release these ideas to the general public.

Blogs do have the potential to be very powerful tools with which to study and become informed but; in the world of technology with an ever growing demand for Liquid Crystal Display televisions and sports, “at least in the U.S. The information that we can relay to each other via a blog website has already been passed down through the mass media. The luxury of sitting home at a computer and expressing your beliefs to others is an incredible joy to some but media and news doesn’t come from the people who are sitting in front of their computers, it comes from the people who actually make the news happen, the soldiers, athletes, politicians, terrorists etc. The interests that we have will always come from the mannerisms in which we are raised.

Personally speaking I come from a generation of sports, sex, and technology. Also included in this generation is crime and war but what generation is without it. I relate the political struggle for power in this country with the competition of athletics in this country. Everyone wants to root for a winning team. The difference with Politics and say for example the NFL is that there are multiple teams to root for that have the potential to win where as in politics there are only two. How many independents have ever become President? If we know that it is only possible for 1 of two teams to be victorious why would we root for a team that we know is not capable of winning? Sure the notion of standing up for what we believe in should inspire us to choose our leaders wisely and without bias but “If you can’t beat them, join them”.

Blogging about what we deem to be legitimate is healthy for our writing styles and inspiration. Let’s say for example that a blog website or even private news paper became so popular that the general public began reading it every day. The demand for this Paper or website would become so high that it would have the opportunity to become a lucrative business. Sponsorship and Big business partners would come into play and then eventually regulation. No amount of independence or rational thinking will ever overcome the power of persuasion that money has. Money is rational and even when it’s unethical or seemingly barbaric the different routes people will take to get it all involve competition. Things that people are willing to do for wealth is the basis for nearly everything in this life, a mere competition if one person wont, another will.

The journalists who claim to not to realize that they have a political influence actually do. They are merely skilled writers in a certain language who are capable of getting points across through words on a computer or paper. Whether or not they believe in the things that they do write is not the issue. They don’t choose to write articles based on what they actually care about! The overwhelming majority of published journalists do it because that is how they make money. Journalists understand and portray ideas well, even if those ideas are not their own. If your job is to make pizza at a Papa John’s, you don’t one day decide that you would like to sell Cheeseburgers and start making them at Papa John’s, it’s not how business works. To think that journalism is anything other than a business or rather to deny that being a journalist has a lot to do with business is unrealistic.

The fact that as Americans we do have access to computers by the masses is incredible in comparison to the rest of the world. Without a doubt we are in a privileged position to have access the finest information tools in the world but how did we become so lucky? That I don’t believe I have time to answer but it seems to me that the more I learn the less I really know. Although as typically American as it sounds, sometimes ignorance is bliss. Although I do believe politics affects most of us dramatically I don’t actually believe that which is supposedly in the sphere of consensus “No matter where you come from you can succeed in America” I guess since I don’t believe that I can be thought of as a negative person but maybe my ideas don’t deserve to be thought of as negative but merely in the circle of deviance? I believe that serenity by definition is what a person needs for true happiness. I know that if I look for deceit in this life I will surely find it but that is something that I can now easily accept. I just choose not to look for it.